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Chitkara University has achieved remarkable recognition in the recently released Indian Institutional Ranking Framework (IIRF) 2023, conducted and published by the prestigious Education Post. Education Post, a respected authority in the field ... readmore
The "Office of International Affairs" and "Chitkara Alumni Network (CAN) Office" were inaugurated at Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, by Hon'ble Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Pro-Chancellor, Chitkara University. The inauguration event at the Unive... readmore
The week-long 12th edition of the Annual Global Week-2022 culminated on Sunday at Chitkara University. Global Week -2022 was conducted at both campuses of Chitkara University in Punjab as well as Himachal Pradesh. Under the initiative, the Uni... readmore
Chitkara University commenced celebrations for the week-long 12th Annual Global Week-2022 today. The Global Week was inaugurated at both- Chitkara University, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh campuses by Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Pro-Chancellor, Chitkara U... readmore
With the aim to promote interdisciplinary research, Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh (CUHP), and Chitkara International School (CIS) have launched a Collaborative Research Project (CRP) which facilitates collaboration between the faculty and stu... readmore
Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Pro-Chancellor, Chitkara University, once again addressed the audience at the 19th World Education Summit organized by Elets, co-powered by Blackboard, Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Pro-Chancellor, Chitkara University underlined the importa... readmore
Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh was honoured with Gold Award' at the 13th QCI - DL Shah Quality Award for the project and case study on "Impact of academia in achievement of sustainable development goals by setting up a zero discharge campus”... readmore
It is a matter of immense honour for us as Chitkara University has been ranked in several categories in "The Week Hansa Research Survey 2020 - India’s Best Universities” by 'The Week' magazine of the July 2020 Edition. Chitkara University has ... readmore
Chitkara University is the only University from India to have made it to the top 8 finalists for the category - 'Technological Innovation of the Year' for the prestigious Times Higher Education Asia Awards 2020. Touted as the “Oscars in Higher Educ... readmore
Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, has been honoured with the 'Silver Award' at the 12th QCI - DL Shah Quality Awards - 2018, for the case study 'Zero Discharge Environmental Friendly Educational Campus'. The Award recognises Chitkara University'... readmore